Pistachio Butter Cake


Cake Base

176g Prima Self-Raising Flour
76g Prima Superfine Wholegrain Flour
271g Egg White
232g Sugar
120g Egg Yolks
325g Softened Unsalted Butter
5g Salt
3.5g Vanilla Essence
92g Pistachio Grounds

Glazing + Topping

180g Icing Sugar
6 tbsp Fresh Milk
2g Lemon Zest
50g  Chopped Pistachios



Cake Preparation

  1. Pre-heat oven to 170°C. Line the base of 2 butter loaf tins with parchment paper.
  2. Sieve Prima Self-Raising Flour, Superfine Wholegrain Flour and sugar separately. Set aside.
  3. In a stand mixer with a paddle attachment, whip up the butter at low speed until it becomes soft. Add in salt and vanilla essence and continue to whip the butter at medium speed until it is light and fluffy, for at least 10 minutes. Once done, transfer out into a separate bowl.
  4. In another mixing bowl, whip up egg white slightly at medium speed until it becomes foamy. Gradually add in sugar and continue to whip until it achieves a soft peak.
  5. Turn down the mixer to low speed and gradually add in the egg yolks one by one. Change to medium speed again and continue to whip until the eggs are thick and smooth.
  6. Stop the mixer and add in the butter. Mix at low speed for a few seconds and switch off the mixer. Be careful not to over mix.
  7. Add in the flour mixture and mix at low speed for at most 10 seconds, until all are combined. Do not over mix.
  8. Remove from the mixer and gently fold in the batter a few times using a spatula.
  9. Add 600g of batter into each cake tin and bake at the bottom rack of the oven at 170°C for 50-55 minutes.
  10. Once done, remove from oven and de-mould immediately. Leave it aside to cool.

Glazing Preparation

  1. In a bowl, sieve icing sugar. Add in fresh milk one tablespoon at a time and whisk until combined. You may add in more fresh milk to achieve your desired consistency. Add in lemon zest at the end.
  2. Once the cake has cooled, drizzle the glazing on top of the cake and top it off with chopped pistachios.
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