Top 4 Hassle-Free Baking Tips To Ensure Your Kids Stay Healthier

Children love to snack. And who doesn’t? Even we adults can be guilty of sneaking a treat or two occasionally. However, while snacking is fun and feels like a special treat, most snacks can be jam-packed with sugar. Not only is that bad for your child’s health. Too much sugar can wreak havoc on their blood sugar levels. 

However, it is not just sugar you have to worry about. Too much fat and even enriched white flour, which are prevalent in baked goods, can also affect their long-term health and well-being. Fortunately, you can ensure you provide your child with healthier, enjoyable treats that leave them feeling satisfied by keeping these healthier baking tips in mind.

Learn More: 4 Simple Ways to Make Baking Healthier & Less Sinful

Tip #1: Add Protein

egg cracking

Protein is a fantastic nutrient. It can help stabilise blood sugars by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates and sugar into the bloodstream. So, while adding a little protein will not affect the flavour, you can ensure your child digests your homemade snack more slowly, preventing the sugar from entering their bloodstream too quickly and causing a sugar rush.

So, how can you incorporate protein into your baked goods? A simple and effective way is to add protein-rich ingredients, such as eggs and nuts, to your recipes. You can also consider substituting regular white flour with high-protein flour.

However, take note that high-protein flour tends to be better suited for confections that require more structure, like yeasted baked goods. But they may not be ideal for baking cakes, cookies, or quick breads.

Tip #2: Use Healthier Sugar Alternatives

Person slicing an Asian pear with a knife

Instead of using refined sugar to sweeten your treats, why not try replacing it with healthier alternatives like natural sugar derived from fruits? For instance, you could use raisins blended in a food processor or add fresh fruit, like apples, mangoes, pears, or pineapples, to inject your baked goods with flavour while giving them a fibre boost. However, you may have to reduce the amount of liquid in your recipe, as fruits already contain moisture of their own.

Tip #3: Consider Low-Fat Substitutes

iwhisking milk and eggs together

While healthier baking is the way to go, you may not want to alter the flavour and texture of your bakes significantly. An easy alternative is to swap something in your recipe with less fat. For example, if your recipe calls for full cream milk, why not switch to low-fat or skimmed milk instead? Meanwhile, Greek yoghurt and buttermilk are excellent low-calorie replacements for sour cream.

Tip #4: More Wholegrains

wholegrain flour

Children often seem opposed to wholegrains, instead preferring the fluffy goodness of enriched white flour. However, making tiny adjustments can help your children develop a healthier palate. For instance, when a recipe calls for two cups of all-purpose flour, you can replace half a cup with wholegrain flour. Your child will barely notice the difference, and it will not significantly affect the texture.

However, whole wheat, oat, and wholegrain flour can taste nuttier or sweeter. So, keep this in mind when you are gauging the appropriate amount of sugar to add to your recipe if you are making any substitutions.

With a few simple but effective changes, you can ensure your child continues enjoying your delicious snacks without compromising their health. However, some of these substitutions may alter the flavour of your recipe. So, do not hesitate to experiment and see what works best for you. Who knows? You might discover a new favourite among your list of recipes.

As a trusted flour supplier in Singapore, we have a wide range of quality flour products, including wholegrain and wholemeal flour, that can meet your baking needs. Rest assured that our products do not feature any additives and are ideal for baking a variety of confections, including butter cookies, cakes, crepes, and doughnuts.

Visit our website to browse our comprehensive flour range today!


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